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Human Rights

Human Rights

"Businesses should support and respect
the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights."
- Principle One of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) -

Respect for
Human Rights

“Respect for human beings must serve as the foundation of management.
The current era is shifting to one in which everyone demands that companies respect people because they are the products of human labor; however, it appears that many companies do not go far enough to improve employee treatment or welfare benefits. These two factors are crucial, and management centering on respect for humanity means that the company should strive to develop people on a fundamental level.”
- From the Memoirs of the Founder of Hyosung Group, Hong-je Cho -
Hyosung is a global company that operates on the global stage in accordance with one of the Group's founding philosophies, "Respect for Humanity.” Anchored in the first principle of the UNGC, "Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights," we actively support and respect internationally proclaimed human rights and labor standards, such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, core conventions presented by the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Recognizing human rights as an essential factor for ensuring business sustainability, we value every human being and respect their rights. We continue our efforts in establishing human rights policies, conducting human rights impact assessments and developing improvement tasks, and operating a whistleblowing center in order to institutionalize human rights system within our organization. A human rights impact assessment is performed each year, in which the results are reported to the ESG Management Promotion Committee, and key issues are disclosed in BoD reports and sustainability reports. Hyosung adheres to the laws of the countries in which it operates and cultivates an organization-wide culture that respects human rights, as recommended by global international standards. We intend to spread a culture of respect for human rights throughout the entire supply chain by expanding the scope to include all partner organizations. In doing so, we will become a responsible company that can contribute to the spread of a culture of respect for human rights in our society while ensuring the company's long-term viability.

9 principles for
human rights

                                            9 principles for human rights
Hyosung 9 principles for human rights
  • Protection of Human Rights of Local Residents
  • Privacy Protection
  • Humanitarianism
  • No Workplace Harassment
  • Freedom of Association
  • Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor
  • Guaranteed Industrial Safety
  • Compliance with Working Conditions
  • Non- discrimination

Human Rights Impact Assessment

We conduct a company-wide human rights impact assessment once a year. For the assessment, we utilize metrics derived from the human rights management guidelines and checklist distributed by the National Human Rights Commission of Korea. In 2023, we enhance existing evaluation criteria such as measures to institutionalize human rights management and remediation process, and add new evaluation items related to human rights protection within the workplaces to advance the checklist.
Through human rights impact assessments, we aim to proactively identify potential risks to our stakeholders and implement activities to prevent the infringement of human rights and mitigate negative human rights impacts.

Human Rights Impact Assessment
Stakeholders Potential risks Countermeasures
Employees Discrimination in employment • Implementing an employment preference policy for people with disabilities and socially vulnerable groups
• Operating the maternity protection system
- Preventing career breaks caused by childbirth and childcare
• Conducting employment programs for women in socially vulnerable groups
- Increasing female workforce representation
Discrimination and harassment • Operating an in-house reporting center
- Establishing a process for reporting and addressing human rights violations and harassment
Employee safety and health • Health check-up programs
- Operating programs to prevent cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases, health check-up programs for employees, and health funds Mental health programs
- Management of mental well-being of employees
Prohibition of forced labor • Adopting a flexible working system
- Ensuring compliance with legal working hours
Customers Customer human rights abuse • Reinforcing the customer information security system
- Establishing a privacy policy and assigning personnel and departments responsible for information security
Suppliers Safety and health of partners • Enhancing safety management of partner companies
- Operating a voluntary safety inspection system led by partner companies
- Implementing mentoring programs on safety and health for new partner Companies
Local community Guaranteeing environmental rights around the business sites • Building eco-friendly business sites
- Investing in environmental facilities to prevent pollution