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Closed-loop Recycling

Closed-loop recycling policy

Hyosung employs a company-wide approach to closed-loop recycling as part of our efforts to preserve the earth's resources for coming generations.
We contribute to building a sustainable circular economy and society by promoting the closed-loop recycling of waste. We maximize the efficient use of resources throughout the production, distribution, and consumption processes, and we establish and implement policies at each stage to contribute to the development of a circular economy and society by reducing waste generation.
자원순환 정책 다이어그램
Recycle : Recycling of process waste (defective products) and reuse of emulsion (Recycle)
Recover waste energy : Use of waste heat from incineration at business sites (Recover)
  • Raw materials
  • Production, distribution
  • Consumption
  • Disposal
  • Incineration, landfill
Use of eco-friendly raw materials (e.g. recycled, bio) (Eco-friendly materials) Reduce : Minimization of new purchases by optimizing raw material inventory and usage management (Reduce)
Eco-friendly Tech
Reuse, refurbish, repair, repurpose: Product maintenance services
(Reuse, refurbish, repair, repurpose)
Reuse, refurbish, repair, repurpose: Product maintenance services (Reuse, refurbish, repair, repurpose)
Remanufacture (Regenerate)
Recycle : Development of mechanical and chemical recycling technologies and products (Recycle)
  • Activities to reduce the use of raw materials and water resources

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    We reduce the amount of new purchases by optimizing the inventory and usage management of raw and auxiliary materials. We conserve water by minimizing unnecessary water use in the production process. Each year, we set water consumption targets for each water source, such as municipal water and industrial water, and work to reduce the amount relative to targets.
  • Products produced using recycled yarn and fabric

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    Hyosung has obtained Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certification for its NY films and PETs made from recycled yarns and fabrics. GRS is a certification that verifies the utilization of recycled materials in textile raw materials and apparel production. Utilizing recycled raw materials, we participate in international efforts to reduce resource consumption.
  • Purchasing eco-friendly products considering resource conservation

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    In consideration of resource conservation, Hyosung adheres to the Green Procurement Policy and continues to engage in eco-friendly procurement. At the Anyang Plant, the company consistently practices eco-friendly purchasing, including the procurement of NY recycled chips, bio-PET, LEDs, and fire extinguishers.
    Sustainable Procurement Policy
    Hyosung strives to faithfully fulfill its environmental and social responsibilities, and observes the following procurement principles to minimize negative impacts from business activities.
    1. 1. We choose suppliers who are able and willing to prevent negative environmental impacts, such as water pollution, soil pollution, and air pollution, and to respond to climate change.
    2. 2. We choose suppliers whose social responsibilities include working conditions that adhere to the International Labor Organization's labor standards, protection of diversity, protection of human rights, and ethical management.
    3. 3. We choose suppliers who prioritize the safety of both users and company employees.
    Green Procurement Policy
    Hyosung adheres to the following principles in order to fulfill its responsibilities to product users and society through green procurement activities that contribute to resource conservation and environmental impact reduction.
    1. 1. To conserve resources, we refrain from making unnecessary purchases so that there are as little remaining quantities as possible.
    2. 2. In addition to quality and price, we evaluate the environmental properties of products and give eco-friendly products preference.
    3. 3. To expand green procurement, we continually seek out products that use fewer hazardous chemicals, generate less waste, and reduce resource consumption.
    4. 4. We share our green procurement policy with our partners and encourage activities to improve the eco-friendliness of products supplied.
  • Closed-loop recycling through waste treatment and recycling

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    Hyosung processes defective chips and yarns into a form that can be sold to recyclers instead of disposing of them, thereby contributing to waste reduction and resource conservation.
  • Development of recycled products and technologies

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    Hyosung promotes eco-friendly product innovation that transforms disposable waste, a major source of pollution, into green products. We also develop biodegradable products and technology for resource recycling. We will stay committed to making unstinting R&D investments in eco-friendly products and technology to be on the frontline of responding to climate change and building the eco-friendly business ecosystem.
  • Donation to the first Hyosung Goodwill Store

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    Goodwill Store is a social enterprise that takes into account "people, businesses, and the environment." It operates approximately 2,800 stores in 15 countries, including the US and Canada, and provides over 200,000 jobs for persons with disabilities and vulnerable groups. Goodwill Store promotes a virtuous cycle of resources by employing the disadvantaged, contributing to economic independence, and using the proceeds from the sale of donated items to create jobs for persons with disabilities and provide vocational training and education.

    In October 2013, Hyosung opened the first Hyosung Goodwill Store in Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul, a first for a Korean company, and Goodwill Store donation boxes are installed at the Hyosung headquarters and each business site to forward employee donations to the Hyosung Goodwill Store.