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Hyosung Advanced Materials Attends CAMX 2023

효성첨단소재 | 2023.10.31
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Hyosung Advanced Materials attended the CAMX (Composites and Advanced Materials Expo) 2023 held in Atlanta, United States from Oct. 30 until Nov. 2.

Said event is the largest expo concerning complex materials held in North America and is jointly hosted by SAMPE and ACMA, the largest industrial associations for complex materials in the United States. Hyosung Advanced Materials has attended the annual event since 2014.

During the event, Hyosung Advanced Materials displayed carbon fiber, high-pressure containers, vehicle wheels, and electrical cable core materials, publicized its carbon fiber brand TANSOME®, and met with major customers.

For a given volume, carbon fiber weighs only about one-fourth the weight of steel, but its tensile strength is about ten times higher than steel. Thus, it is called super fiber and is very much in demand in many sectors including CNG, high-pressure hydrogen containers, vehicle parts, wind power blades, etc. Especially in North American markets, the demand is increasing particularly in high-pressure containers and electric cable core materials. Global demand is expected to grow at an annual average of 14% in the next three years.

In 2011, Hyosung Advanced Materials became the first business in the country to develop high-tensile carbon fiber TANSOME® on its own. The Company also became the world’s third business to develop super-tensile carbon fiber by October last year. The Company has started accelerating its foray into the global markets by setting up production bases in China and Vietnam, in addition to the factory in Jeonju, Korea that started operation in 2013.

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