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HEXA(Hyosung EXperience Accelerator)

Key matters for consideration
  • Decision Making Style and authority of decision-making

  • Priorities Strategic priorities in decision-making
    and determination processes

  • Rituals Forms and processes entrenched in theL
    company’s events, ceremonies, and

  • Meetings Form of meetings and central figures

  • Purpose & Value Purpose of the company and shared values

  • Feedback The company's response procedure for
    assessments and suggestions

  • Norms & Rules Official and unofficial procedures and
    rules in the company

  • Behaviors Common behavioral patterns of

  • Psychological Safety The psychological safety of employees

Symbolizing Hyosung Group's purpose

Representation of the direction of the company constitution and culture based on the group's brand essence and core value

다이어그램 : 효성그룹의 존재목적을 상징적으로 형상화

Agile Promise BRAND ESSECE Hyosung promises tomorrow first

  • Core Value Customer-Oriented Accountability for the environment, society, and the future
  • Core Value Responsibility for the Future Growth and synergy through a flexible team culture
  • Core Value Flexible Synergy Courage to face the challenges of innovation
  • Core Value Striving for Innovation 혁신을 위한 도전에 직면하는 용기

Hyosung Group's internal constitution and culture to keep its promises to customers Develop into symbolic keywords

Employees that connect Hyosung Group with customers

The role of employees is to accelerate innovation and allow customers to have the quickest experience of the group's agile promise for tomorrow

다이어그램 : 효성그룹과 고객을 이어주는 존재로서의 구성원
  • HYOSUNG Agile Promise Fastest promise for tomorrow
  • EMPLOYEE ? A person accelerating and delivering the experience of tomorrow
  • CUSTOMER / CONSUMER EXPERIENCE Fastest experience for tomorrow

Branding for people connecting the relationship between Hyosung and customers

Formation of a culture that most rapidly embodies the experiences and values offered by Hyosung.

다이어그램 : 효성과 고객간의 관계를 이어주는 사람들에 대한 브랜딩
  • HYOSUNG Agile Promise Fastest promise for tomorrow
  • EMPLOYEE Accelerator A person accelerating and delivering the experience of tomorrow
  • CUSTOMER / CONSUMER EXperience Fastest experience for tomorrow


Development of a shared brand for internal branding

Development of a brand that symbolizes the company’s direction and strong will for innovation

Representation of the direction of the company constitution and culture based on the group's brand essence and core value

그룹 브랜드 에센스와 핵심 가치를 기반으로 기업의 체질과 문화의 방향성을 형상화
  • HYOSUNG Agile Promise Fastest promise for tomorrow
  • EMPLOYEE Accelerator A person accelerating and delivering the experience of tomorrow
  • CUSTOMER / CONSUMER EXperience Fastest experience for tomorrow



다이어그램 : 실행 프로그램
  • Plans to display the company’s will to change and innovate in a symbolized manner

    Establishment and declaration of the vision

    Innovation in how employees call each other and abolishment of position names

    RITUAL의 변화

    Change of rituals

  • Pursuing creative and customer-oriented culture

    Making creative culture a routine

    Implementation of digital-based cooperation platform

    Implementation of HExA Hour

  • Pursuinga culture of research and learning

    Implementation of HExA Lab

    Implementation of HExA School

    Implementation of HExA Story

Symbolic representation of Hyosung Group’s purpose of existence

Representation of Hyosung Group’s value of existence in and out of the company and incorporation of the value into the improving work method